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If you reached this website as a result of a spam email:

If you feel that a Spammer has brought you to our website, Please assist us in pursuing the spammer that contacted you. We intend to bring the full force of the law against them. Please realize that even legitimate websites like ours are often promoted by third party spammers hoping to collect the affiliate fee for referring new customers. Even large websites like and must deal with this issue. We do not tolerate spam or those that use it to promote any product. Please forward a copy of the suspected spam email you received to : Questionable Spam! If it is determined that you did indeed receive an unsolicited email you can trust that the offender will be dealt with as harshly as possible Please do not let the actions of a spammer taint your opinion of our services or our website. We apologize for the irresponsible actions of others and only wish we could control the actions of all affiliates.


SPAM / Unsolicited email policy

SPAM (UCE) Policy: Within Temptation Jewelry Wholesalers, NEVER has and never will use spam or UCE (Unsolicited email) to promote its products. Any affiliates that use spam to promote the products of Temptation Within Wholesale Jewelry Connection will be IMMEDIATELY and permanently terminated from the affiliate program. The online order processing service we use at also has very strict spam policies and will assist in the enforcement of this policy. Be certain that all emails you send as an affiliate of this site are going to OPT-IN only email recipients. Do NOT buy lists of email addresses to promote opportunities or you may be accused of spamming and you won't have proof of IP address and a subscription date as proof of opt-in. Do NOT add email names to your list unless the owner requests to be added and you have a date and IP address for every email address.



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Wholesale Jewelry Connection
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